The “INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN COMPETITION FOR THE THESSALONIKI CONFEX PARK” is an international, one-‐stage architectural design project Competition conducted in restricted procedure.
The procedure will be organized in the following phases:
The Competition will be conducted according to the UNESCO Standard Regulations for International Competitions in Architecture and Town Planning and the UIA (International Union of Architects) best practice recommendations. The Competition Brief has been endorsed by UIA.
Prequalification Launch - registration opening
Application Submission Deadline
Announcement of Selection of 15 Competitors
Competition start
Entries Submission Deadline
Announcement of the Winners
Three Competitors that will be awarded by the Jury with the first, the second and the third prizes will be awarded respectively the following prize-money:
1st prize 50.000 Euro
2nd prize 30.000 Euro
3rd prize 20.000 Euro
The Jury may also award honorary mentions to projects with a particular merit.
All Competitors who submit entries at the Design Competition complying with the regulations will receive an honorarium of 18.000 euro each.
The Management Team and the Technical Committee are special working bodies of the Competition, appointed by the Orginizer for administration of the procedures and for performing the formal and technical control.