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Competition Type and Procedure

The “INTERNATIONAL ARCHITECTURAL DESIGN COMPETITION FOR THE THESSALONIKI CONFEX PARK” is an international, one-­stage architectural design project Competition conducted in restricted procedure.

The Competition will be preceded by a Prequalification.

The Prequalification is a selection process that aims at selecting the Applicants, who are most capable of providing successful solutions for the specific complex project. The Prequalification is a preliminary step of the Competition, which is organized in one stage.

The procedure will be organized in the following phases:

  • the Prequalification
  • the Design Competition in which design proposals will be submitted anonymously.



During the Prequalification, among the Applications received the Jury will shortlist fifteen (15) Applicants based on predefined criteria. The pre-­qualification concerns:

a)      the fulfillment of formal requirements regarding legal, regulatory, technical and professional capacities of the Applicants, which will be checked by the Technical Committee,

b)      the evaluation of the Applicant List of Works and Design Team composition and

c)       the evaluation of reference projects regarding their architectural quality, creativity and innovation.

The Jury shall evaluate the above points b and c. 

Design Competition

In the Design Competition the fifteen (15) competitors will be invited to submit design proposals anonymously. The design proposals will be presented to the international jury responsible for evaluating and ranking them and determining the prizes and eventual honorary mentions. Anonymity will be respected throughout the whole competition and evaluation process.

Subsequent stages

TIF-HELEXPO S.A. will proceed to a private, negotiation procedure with the first prize winner for the further development of the project, namely the realization of the new THESSALONIKI CONFEX PARK, based on the first prize winner’s Design.