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Teams & Committee

ConfEx Park Team
Management Team

The Management Team, of which member is the Professional Advisor,  is a special working body of the Competition, appointed by the Organizer for administration and supervision of the proper conduct of the Competition. 

Management Team:

  1. Vasiliki Agorastidou, Architect, Professional Advisor
  2. Alexis Tsaxirlis, Deputy General Manager, TIF-HELEXPO S.A.
  3. Ennie Dodou, Lawyer, LLM,  TIF-HELEXPO S.A.  Legal Dpt.  
  4. Virginia Arvanitidou, Finance Director, TIF-HELEXPO S.A.


Technical Committee

The Technical Committee is a special working body of the Competition, formed of persons having the required special (professional) knowledge for performing of the formal and technical control, as well as other functions within the Competition that require such special knowledge. The Technical Committee will be responsible for preparing the Competition documents and performing the formal requirements evaluation, checking the mandatory requirements of the Prequalification procedure and the fulfillment of Eligibility Requirements and all formal requirements of the Competition Regulations. 

Technical Committee:

  1. Dimitris Tampakis, Electrical Engineer, PhD, Project Manager
  2. Dimitris Doumas, Architect, Urban planner, Project Consultant
  3. Manolis Belimpasakis, Civil Engineer, Project Consultant
  4. Aris Grammenos, Electrical Engineer, Technical Director TIF-HELEXPO S.A.
  5. Pantelis Ioannidis, Civil Engineer TIF-HELEXPO S.A.
  6. Dimitris Kourkouridis, Urban Planner, Project Officer
  7. Vasiliki Masen, Architect
  8. Karamitrou Paraskevi, Architect
  9. Ermis Adamantidis, Architect
  10. Georgia Zoi, Lawyer
  11. Kostas Kapetanakis, IT Expert, TIF- Helexpo IT Department